Anderson-Narvaez Mound @ Jungle Prada Park
Except for the singular find of an Archaic projectile point in the otherwise sterile sand under the midden material, the cultural materials indicate that the shell midden dates from after A.D. 1000, and probably mostly in the range of A.D. 1300 to 1700 (Weeden Island/Safety Harbor culture periods). Known as the Anderson/Narvaez Site after the 600-man Panfilo de Narvaez expedition that allegedly landed her in 1528. The public portion of the multi-mound site is nestled in a wooded park overlooking Boca Ciega Bay. The private portion contains a 10-foot deep archaeological test pit that looks down into the heart of the mound. Individual and group tours can be arranged with the Anderson family.
Internal Links:
Lost Worlds: Florida
Ancient Civilizations of Florida
External Links:
Le Moyne’s Florida Indians @
Anderson-Narvaez Mound @
Anderson-Narvaez Mound @ Florida Mounds Project