LostWorlds.org is an online interactive museum devoted to educating the public about the prehistoric indigenous civilizations that existed throughout the Americas utilizing advanced internet technologies such as streaming video documentaries, 3D computer animated reconstructions, Quicktime VR and more.
LostWorlds.org was founded by Gary C. Daniels. Mr. Daniels is of mixed European and Native American ancestry (Scots-Irish, Spanish, Creek, & Cherokee). He is a media producer with a background in television production and interactive design. He is a member of the International Documentary Association, the Film Arts Foundation and the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers. He is a charter member of the Smithsonian’s Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. and holds memberships in the Society of Georgia Archaeology, the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, the Archaeological Conservancy, the Archaeological Institute of America, the Georgia Historical Society, and the Southern Historical Association.
LostWorlds.org was originally conceived as Mr. Daniels’ Master’s thesis project in the Film, Video & Digital Motion Imaging program at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has since completed his degree requirements and was awarded an M.A. degree from GSU. He also holds a B.F.A. degree in Film & Television Production from the Savannah College of Art and Design and an A.A. degree in Art from Brunswick College. (You can help me pay off my student loans by shopping online.)
The project committee for LostWorlds.org was headed by Dr. Ted Friedman, Ph.D., associate professor in the Communications department of Georgia State University (GSU). Dr. Friedman’s research interests include Cultural Studies, Film Studies, and New Media.
Other project committee members included:
* Dr. Kay Beck, Ph.D., associate professor of Communications at GSU and Director of the university’s Digital Arts & Entertainment Laboratory. Her research interests include Film History, HDTV, Industrial Studies of Film Industry and Cultural Economics.
* Dr. Jack Boozer, Ph.D., professor of Communications at GSU with research interests in Feature Screenwriting, Film criticism and History, Film Genre, Hollywood Cinema, and Literature Adaptation.
* Dr. John Kantner, Ph.D., assistant professor of Anthropology at GSU with research interests in Archaeology, Emergence of Complex Society, Human Behavioral Ecology, and Southwestern U.S. Dr. Kantner currently directs the Lobo Mesa Archaeological Project which focuses on prehistoric Anasazi groups who inhabited northwestern New Mexico between A.D. 850 and 1200. His website, Sipapu, was one of the inspirations behind LostWorlds.org.
Phase one of this website is dedicated to telling the story of the Southeastern Indians. Lost Worlds of Georgia is the first exhibit to serve this purpose. Future exhibits covering all of the prehistoric civilizations of the Southeastern United States are planned.