Florida Serpent Mound Represents Serpens Constellation
Around 250 AD a village was constructed in the Lake Okeechobee area of south Florida that was unlike any other
Read moreAround 250 AD a village was constructed in the Lake Okeechobee area of south Florida that was unlike any other
Read moreThe ceremonial life of Native American civilizations before the arrival of Europeans was far more complicated than the simplistic notion
Read moreRock Eagle is an effigy mound in the shape of a bird with its wings spread. It is believed to have been constructed around 2,000 years ago. It is one of only two such structures known to exist east of the Mississippi river with the second structure known as Rock Hawk also located nearby.
Read moreThe earliest explorers of the Amazon recorded that it was filled with villages and towns. After European diseases swept the
Read moreNative American cultures that once flourished in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and West Virginia constructed geometric and animal-shaped earth works that often rivaled Stonehenge in their astronomical accuracy. This lost heritage from the Adena, Hopewell and Fort Ancient cultures is returning in the form of a traveling exhibit that will include virtual reconstructions of earthworks from 39 sites.
Read moreThe Octagon Earthworks in Newark is one remnant of the Newark
Earthworks, recently listed by The Dispatch as one of the Seven Wonders
of Ohio. Earlham College professors Ray Hively and Robert Horn demonstrated in 1982 that the walls of this 2,000-yearold circle and octagon were aligned to the points on the horizon, marking the limits of the rising and setting of the moon during an 18.6-year cycle.