Cumberland Island National Seashore
Cumberland Island is 17.5 miles long and totals 36,415 acres of which 16,850 are marsh, mud flats, and tidal creeks. It is well known for its sea turtles, wild turkeys, wild horses, armadillos, abundant shore birds, dune fields, maritime forests, salt marshes, and historic structures. Visit Cumberland Island National Seashore for a natural experience: sun and sand, beautiful vistas and relaxing atmosphere.
The Museum is locatedĀ two blocks from the waterfront. The museum houses a collection of artifacts from Cumberland Island and includes an exhibit area open to the public.
The exhibition uses pieces from the collection to highlight the people of the island. The lives of Native Americans, African Americans, the Carnegie family as well as others who lived on the island in the 19th and 20th centuries are seen in the island environment. The museum was designed to provide a glimpse of Cumberland Island to those who are unable to visit the island. These exhibits were funded through fees paid by island visitors and campers. A small portion of the total collection will be on display, primarily pieces that illustrate life on the barrier island. “These are objects that have never before been on public display,” said curator John Mitchell. “We can learn from these items about how people lived in the past.”