Rock Eagle & Rock Hawk (100 AD)

Rock Eagle is an effigy mound in the shape of a bird with its wings spread. It is believed to have been constructed around 2,000 years ago. It is one of only two such structures known to exist east of the Mississippi river with the second structure known as Rock Hawk also located nearby.

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New Artifacts Suggest Mexican connection to Ohio’s Hopewell Culture

Jaguars and panthers aren’t from Indiana but they show up at the Mann Hopewell Site as beautifully detailed carvings. Put them together with clay figurines that have slanted eyes — not a Hopewell feature — and Linderman says we could be looking at a connection between Indiana and Central or South America.

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45-Foot Ancient Canoe Stuck In The Muck Of Weedon Island

A 45-foot canoe, buried for more than a thousand years and used by a long-dead culture of Native Americans was used to paddle over the open waters of the bay — unlike the other ancient canoes uncovered in Florida which were used to ply the calmer waters of lakes and rivers.

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Shawnee Lookout Oldest Hilltop Settlement?

The Shawnee are one of the most important Native American groups in North America due to their long standing and far flung trade networks. They had trading outposts throughout eastern North America from the Great Lakes to Florida. One site known as Shawnee Lookout in Ohio appears to have been continuously occupied by the Shawnee for over 2,000 years. It is also much larger than the original 1960 archaeological investigations revealed.

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